Judy, Dimitri, Rosalia, Alexan...
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France flag 8%France (58000)
Israel flag 3%Israel (22449)
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Russian Federation flag 1%Russian Fed... (8115)
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Ukraine flag 1%Ukraine (7223)
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judy-ventura25.jpg judy-ventura07.jpg judy-ventura49.jpg judy-ventura32.jpg judy-ventura41.jpg judy-ventura29.jpg judy-ventura19.jpg judy-ventura20.jpg judy-ventura44.jpg judy-ventura01.jpg avec yaya paris.jpg judy-ventura11.jpg judy-ventura52.jpg judy-ventura15.jpg judy-ventura51.jpg judy-ventura04.jpg judy-ventura16.jpg judy-ventura50.jpg judy-ventura37.jpg judy-ventura26.jpg

Picture Gallery

childhood (16)
Judy's childhood in Greece and Israel


Number of images in category: 16
Category viewed: 24302 x
Family (19)
Judy's family in Greece, France and israel


Number of images in category: 19
Category viewed: 25589 x
Friends (4)
Judy with friends


Number of images in category: 4
Category viewed: 15564 x
Misc. (11)
Different pictures of Judy


Number of images in category: 11
Category viewed: 14157 x